4/1/2024 8:00:26 AM|Empire Petroleum Corporation|Rights Offering (Non-Transferable)|

April 1, 2024

Notice Type

Rights Offering (Non-Transferable)


Issuers Involved

Empire Petroleum Corporation

Non-transferable Rights

Issuer Name Empire Petroleum Corporation
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol EP
Exchange NYSE American
Security CUSIP 292034303
Ex Date March 6, 2024
Record Date March 7, 2024
1933 Act Effectiveness Effective
Securities Offering Empire Petroleum Corporation Common Stock
Subscription Price $5.00
Ratio One (1) non-transferable right, to purchase 0.161 shares of Common Stock, for each share of Empire Petroleum Corporation Common Stock held.
Rights Each right consists of a basic subscription right and an over-subscription privilege.
Rights Required Per Purchase 7
Shares Issued Per Each Purchase 1
Summary Terms of the Offer Every 7 Rights will entitle holders to purchase 1 share of Empire Petroleum Corporation Common Stock at $5.00.
Fractional Shares The number of Rights to be issued will be Rounded Down to the nearest number of Rights evenly divisible by 7.
Rights Mailing Date March 8, 2024
Expiration Date April 10, 2024
Expiration Time 5:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Guaranteed Delivery Period No Guaranteed Delivery Provision
Over-Subscription Privilege Yes
Note Expiration date revised from April 3, 2024 to April 10, 2024. Subscription price revised from $6.05 to $5.00 per whole share of common stock.

These subscription Rights are non-transferable and will not be traded on the Exchange. Therefore no adjustment will be made on the NYSE established ex-date.

"Regular Way" purchases of Empire Petroleum Corporation Common Stock must have been made on or prior to March 5, 2024 in order to become a holder of record and receive the non-transferable rights.

Member Organizations are reminded of Exchange Rule 440 B.14 (Ownership of Securities) and Exchange Rule 440C (Deliveries against Short Sales).
Additional Note Expiration date extended from Revised Excercise price and e

Transfer / Depositary Agent Securities Transfer Corporation
Information Agent Securities Transfer Corporation

4/1/2024 8:18:24 AM|Callon Petroleum Company|Merger|

April 1, 2024

Notice Type



Issuers Involved

Callon Petroleum Company


Issuer Name Callon Petroleum Company
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol CPE
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 13123X508
Purchaser / Offeror APA Corporation
Terms Stock
Terms Summary 1.0425 shares of APA Corporation Common Stock, without interest, less any applicable fee, and tax, for each Common Stock of Callon Petroleum Company held.


Issuer Name Callon Petroleum Company
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol CPE
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 13123X508
Suspension Date April 1, 2024 Effective before the Open
Trading Schedule Trading to be suspended on April 1, 2024 Effective before the Open

Meeting Of Shareholders March 27, 2024
Reference Proxy Statement dated February 16, 2024

4/1/2024 10:54:32 AM|General Electric Company|Spin-Off|

April 1, 2024

Notice Type



NOTE: The Common Stock of General Electric Company ("GE") will be quoted "Ex-Distribution" tomorrow, April 2, 2024, as the Distribution will be completed at 12:01 AM EST on April 2, 2024.

The "Ex-Distribution" market reflects the new Trade ("Doing Business As") Name for General Electric Company following completion of the Distribution.

Issuers Involved

General Electric Company, GE Aerospace, GE Vernova Inc.


Parent Issuer Name General Electric Company
Parent Security Name Common Stock
Parent Security Ticker Symbol GE
Parent Exchange NYSE
Parent Security CUSIP 369604301
SPINCO Issuer Name GE Vernova Inc.
SPINCO Security Name Common Stock
SPINCO Security Symbol GEV
SPINCO Listing Market NYSE
SPINCO Security CUSIP 36828A101
Ex Date April 2, 2024
Record Date March 19, 2024
Pay Date April 2, 2024
Distribution Summary 0.25 share(s) of GE Vernova Inc. Common Stock for each share of General Electric Company Common Stock held.
Note The Common Stock of General Electric Company ("GE") will be quoted "Ex-Distribution" on April 2, 2024, as the Distribution will be completed at 12:01 AM EST on April 2, 2024.
First Day Of Due-Bills On March 18, 2024
Last Day Of Due-Bills On April 1, 2024
Due-Bills Off April 2, 2024
Due-Bills Settlement Date April 3, 2024

Admit - "Ex-Distribution" Market

Issuer Name GE Aerospace
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol GE WI
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 369604137
First "Ex-Distribution" Trading Date March 27, 2024
Last "Ex-Distribution" Trading Date April 1, 2024
Settlement Date April 4, 2024
Trading Schedule Security to be trading in two markets, "Regular Way" and "Ex-Distribution" markets beginning on March 27, 2024
Note Trades made in the "Ex-Distribution" market do not carry the right to receive the distribution. Trades made in the "Regular Way" market entitle purchasers to receive the distribution.

Member organizations are reminded that all "Ex-Distribution" trades are on the basis of "when", "as", and "if" distributed, and the Exchange reserves the right to cancel such trades or terminate "Ex-Distribution" trading where required or indicated by a change in circumstances.
Additional Note The "Ex-Distribution" market reflects the new Trade ("Doing Business As") Name for General Electric Company following completion of the Distribution.

Admit - "When-Issued" Market

Issuer Name GE Vernova Inc.
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol GEV WI
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 36828A101
First "When-Issued" Market Trading Date March 27, 2024
Last "When-Issued" Market Trading Date April 1, 2024
Settlement Date April 4, 2024
Note Member organizations trading in the "When-Issued" market should submit trade comparison input to NSCC by using the regular security CUSIP plus the "When-Issued" indicator [100].

Member organizations are reminded that all "When-Issued" trades are on the basis of "when", "as", and "if" issued, and the Exchange reserves the right to cancel such trades or terminate "When-Issued" trading where required or indicated by a change in circumstances.
Trading Schedule To be admitted to trading in a "When-Issued" market on March 27, 2024.

Regular-Way in lieu of "When-Issued"

Issuer Name GE Vernova Inc.
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol GEV WI
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 36828A101
First "Regular-Way" Market Trading Date April 2, 2024
"Regular-Way" Security Symbol GEV
Trading Schedule The Symbol Suffix "WI" representing the "When-Issued" market will be removed. Trading in the "Regular-Way" market under Symbol "GEV " to begin at the market open on April 2, 2024.

Suspend - "Ex-Distribution" Market

Issuer Name GE Aerospace
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol GE WI
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 369604137
"Ex-Distribution" Market Suspension Date April 2, 2024
Trading Schedule "Ex-Distribution" Market Trading to be suspended on April 2, 2024. Trading will continue "Regular-Way" at a new price under the new Trade ("Doing-Business-As") Name.

Trade Name Change ("Doing-Business-As")

Issuer Name General Electric Company
Security Name Common Stock
Security Symbol GE
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 369604301
New Issuer Name GE Aerospace
Trading Schedule Trading under the new Trade ("Doing-Business-As") Name to begin at the market open on April 2, 2024.

4/1/2024 10:54:43 AM|Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.|Merger|

April 1, 2024

Notice Type


The Merger is anticipated to become effective before the Opening on April 9, 2024.

Issuers Involved

Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.


Issuer Name Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol EGLE
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP Y2187A150
Purchaser / Offeror Star Infinity Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Star Bulk Carriers Corp.
Terms Stock
Terms Summary 2.6211 shares of Star Bulk Carriers Corp. Common Stock, without interest, less any applicable fee, and tax, for each Common Stock of Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc. held.


Issuer Name Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc.
Security Name Common Stock
Security Ticker Symbol EGLE
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP Y2187A150
Subject To Subject to effectiveness of the Merger
Suspension Date April 9, 2024 Pending before the Open
Trading Schedule Trading to be suspended on April 9, 2024 Pending before the Open

Meeting Of Shareholders April 5, 2024
Reference Proxy Statement dated February 12, 2024

4/1/2024 10:55:03 AM|First Horizon Corporation|Call for Redemption|

April 1, 2024

Notice Type

Call for Redemption

Issuers Involved

First Horizon Corporation

Full Call

Issuer Name First Horizon Corporation
Security Name Depositary Shares, each representing a 1/400th interest in a share of Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series D
Security Ticker Symbol FHN PRD
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 320517808
Announcement Date April 1, 2024
Redemption Price USD 25.00
Redemption Date May 1, 2024
Note The regular Series D semi-annual dividend, which was declared in January, will be paid separately in the customary manner on May 1, 2024 to shareholders of record at the close of business on April 16, 2024.


Issuer Name First Horizon Corporation
Security Name Depositary Shares, each representing a 1/400th interest in a share of Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series D
Security Ticker Symbol FHN PRD
Exchange NYSE
Security CUSIP 320517808
Suspension Date May 1, 2024 Effective before the Open
Trading Schedule Trading to be suspended on May 1, 2024 Effective before the Open